Monday, June 13, 2011

SpotOn3D, Technology and Children.

So, today, I logged into SpotOn3D. I'd gotten into it after a friend of mine (we'll call her Shammy, since that's a nickname she uses) went there to help create things in privacy. On the surface, it looks a lot like Second Life - indeed, it was built on Second Life. However, many of the facets of the server have been changed, which I won't deny improved stability, and the client (which is based off the 1.21 Second Life viewer) has also had a few improvements which decrease the chances it will crash (the hour or so I was logged in, I had no problems what-so-ever with how the client handled as far as graphics and performance goes, although I couldn't get voice to work, and before anyone says anything about how to fix it, shut up because I don't care).

That's not what pisses me off about it. What pisses me off is one of the people in charge, Tessa, who proceeded to, at length, tell me how much they're not like Second Life, despite the fact they're based DIRECTLY OFF OF SECOND LIFE. Sure, there's improvements and policy changes, but when it comes right down to it, IT'S STILL BASED OFF SECOND LIFE.

Isn't that sort of like saying a screwdriver's nothing like orange juice because it's got vodka in it? Sure, it tastes different, but one of the two primary ingredients is still orange juice.

I'm reminded of a quote by Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park: "I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here: it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility... for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you want to sell it!"

That's exactly what Tessa at SpotOn3D has explained to me, although she's taking the stance of John Hammond, and despite the obvious differences (and there are quite a few, both in client and server), it is still, at the base level, the evolution of Second Life in a closed-source package. I get it - it's different, but fundamentally, it's the same, right down to the graphics engine and server code.

Spraying perfume on a pile of shit, sprinkling diamonds on it and wrapping it in a shiny package does not make it anything else than a diamond-covered pile of shit that smells slightly less nasty than it did before.

While on Skype, listening to Tessa rant and rave about how much better SpotOn3D is than Second Life could ever be (despite the fact that every other program I've ever had EXCEPT SpotOn3D could use my USB headset flawlessly, including every program I've tried on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows XP, several distributions of Linux and every other operating system and program combination I could think of), I finally decided I'd had enough of both the decrees from on high about how superior SpotOn3D was, and how offended Tessa was getting that I wasn't impressed enough and was still pointing out it was just Second Life in a shiny new wrapper with some new bells and whistles added, closed the viewer and signed out of Skype.

Annoyed, Lacey and I went to Kroger's Marketplace, where, on the way way out, there was a child (I'd say around 7 or so, but they were certainly well over the age of 4 or 5) that threw a hissy fit because he couldn't play with the toy the adults he was with (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, doesn't matter to me) had bought him. That just reminded me of the days where you could hit a kid and not get arrested for it. Those were the good ol' days - you didn't have to beat them black and blue but you could just slap the little bastard when they got out of line.

So, in short, SpotOn3D may not suck, but a few of the bad apples need to be thrown the hell out before SpotOn3D gets too much of a superiority complex, and don't be afraid to slap a child for being a spoiled brat.


  1. Well, I can't say this is unexpected. Brad came in through a recent friend, trying to compare a mango server for WOW knockoffs as a platform. Here’s the facts.

    • CLIENT, PLATFORMS & HOSTING SERVERS ARE 3 DIFFERENT THINGS: He’s insisted that because SpotON3D shares the look and feel of Second Life, due to its open sourced client, that is WAS INDEED a copy of Second Life. Not True and we tried to explain that to him to no avail. Brand’s mind simply wandered off to another subject instead of actually defending his position. IMHO, if you make sure a hugely erroneous statement, the least you can do is back it up with factual info, or admit you were wrong.
    • RLV FUNCTIONALITY DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN NAUGHTY: Brad laughed at the fact the RLV was available but bouncing boobies weren’t. Obviously Brad has never worked with business or education and seen the other side of that coin. RLV is not just a naughty toy for virtual worlds. Like most good code it has a deep history of being repurposed in AI bot technology, virtual pets and many other non-controversial uses. But having said that, bouncing boobies will eventually make their appearance. *-)> We’ve just had bigger fish to fry, such as World on a Web Page and BoostCloud to host over 100 users in a single region.
    • SPOTON3D IS TRULY DIFFERENT ON ALL LEVELS: By many in the open sim community we are considered to be a separate entity based upon a separate platform, because we are so very different in how we’re set up from a technical and structural POV. But the reality is we are still an open sim system and respect greatly the contributions of he open sim coders. For brad to say our system or any open sim system is not new code, is simply an insult to all who have worked on it, either as a part of the core coder team for open sim or in developing their our flavor.

  2. 1) It's MaNGOS, not Mango. Lern2factchek.

    2) No shit. However, it's based off the SL client, using the SL server as a basis and using SL protocols. You can call it whatever the fuck you want to, but I'm calling it a SL knock-off, and unless you open-source the server to show people that you've recoded it from the ground up and it's not based off OpenSim or Second Life AT ALL, and then open-source the client to prove the same thing, there's not a damn fool who's going to argue with me about you blatantly sticking a pile of diamonds in a pile of shit and trying to pass it off as gold.

    3) I've used RLV to control bots, but the majority of the users are not going to use it for those ends. I can safely validate my point by referring to, oh, the dozens of sims, and quite possibly even grids, dedicated to BDSM and Gor that make liberal use of RLV for sex, as opposed to the very, very few (in fact, I've seen none) that use RLV for controlling bots.

    4) You can't put diamonds in a pile of shit and call it gold. It's just a pile of shit with diamonds. You are not truly different on all levels, because the platform is based off of the Open Sim grid system, the client is based off of Second Life, and the protocol is based off OpenSim. I also pointed out there were differences, and many of them, if you bothered to re-read my post. Thanks for looking ignorant.

    Finally, on top of all of that, look at the second to last line you wrote. "We are still an Open Sim system" - thanks for validating my entire point, jackass. You're based off OpenSim, which, lo and behold, is widely known because of Second Life. If you discovered Open Sim before you discovered Second Life, I'd retract my entire statement, the lovely folks at SpotOn3D certainly did not, since the few people I talked to were ALL ABOUT trying to point out how "truly different" they are "on all levels" every chance they got.

    Anything else?

  3. By the way, Tessa... You suck as a public relations specialist or whatever the fuck you call yourself. You're too easily offended by being called (and rightly so) an OpenSim/Second Life knockoff and should be fired.

    Out of a cannon.

    Into the sun.

  4. Well I am very disappointed and hurt by this blog entry. You create drama by slandering people or projects in public.

    It really is a shame you can't see that LL never completed their software before it was open-sourced or you would know all other worlds do not have currency, teleports, search does work, the map doesn't load and many other parts are incomplete. All you have to do to verify that is travel to any other world people have released before they were fully developed.

    Besides what LL started, but never finished in open source, there are parts to SpotOn3D that are exclusive to that world and every single one of them actually works. Hotswap scenes, the Facebook portal launch coming soon, the live music industry, education, business and corporate, Cloud technology, World on a Web, PrimKids since this grid is all ages and excludes no-one, and so many other aspects.

    The very first indication this SpotOn3D is not the same in any way other than the viewer used, which was not created by LL, it was created by Mana under the Hippo name, is the fact that when you arrive inworld, you are not left on your own to try to figure out what to do.

    They actually take you by the hand and help you to do what it is you are there to achieve. It isn't a virtual world, it is the worldwide web in 3D. The possibilities are endless and so is their friendship if you are open-minded enough to LISTEN to them. They have a great deal to teach and are most willing to if you choose to learn.

    If you choose to challenge without listening to the responses and thinking about the replies to try to understand, it is you who loses not them. Anyone who is creative or imaginative in the slightest will love this world they created for us. If you don't feel you are creative, they will give you possibilities that will inspire you.

    Tessa is a very kind hearted woman who has open not only her world to us but also her friendship and love of the web. She also has a wicked sense of humour and goes out of her way to assist and educate you even though she SHOULD leave that to the staff she pays to do exactly that. She is far too busy developing and introducing new technology that LL could never do because they have never updated their platform.

    LL's bandaid fixes instead of real solutions has caused that world to break down and it's become very unstable. Their regions have decreased by more than half and they have taken the rights of creators away claiming full rights to everything created in their world regardless of who creates it.

    his simple means that if you create something that makes money and they decided they want it, they can take it and block your account. They hold all rights so there won't be a thing you can do about it. They have also changed the TOS so that they have the ability to stop you from cashing out at any time since their currency is only tokens with no value outside of the world.

    Stevan Lieberman who is Tessa's business partner and co-owner of this world in SpotOn3D is a real life lawyer who specializes in copyrights and content theft. Since I work for one of the largest content creators in Second Life, I have seen the content theft at it's highest and Linden Lab's inability or unwillingness to stop or prevent it.

    There is no comparison between Second Life and SpotOn3D if you care to look. It's blatantly obvious the differences are what will set SpotOn3D well above all other open source grids and companies. You are just too blind and close minded to see it.

    On a personal note Brad, it's not a secret but it is unreleased to the public until June 15th, 2011 and I resent the implication that I am doing something sneaky or underhanded. I don't work for SpotOn3D but would in a heartbeat if that were possible. For now I am most happy just to have the opportunity to live, learn, play and work in their world and I am glad you won't be there.

  5. So what you're saying is... It's got different policies. It's based off of Open Sim, but has some improvements. It's based off of the Second Life viewer, but has some improvements.

    Oh, wait, it's got NOTHING to do with Open Sim, despite sharing the same source and having YOUR OWN USERS admit that it's based off of Open Sim. And it's got NOTHING to do with Second Life, despite sharing the same origins and, I bet, some of the same code. Prove me wrong, or I'm going to assume you're just trying to make SpotOn3D look good... or at least better than Second Life and/or Open Sim. which it was derived from.

    That's like saying a certain race or ethnicity is different from other humans because they're radically different and "better" than everyone else.

    You want me to start slinging mud? Please, push my buttons some more. So far, everyone who's replied, despite my agreeing with some very valid points you SpotOn3Tards have said, refuses to acknowledge I've even got a point besides creating drama, when all I've done is express my opinion.

    Your opinion is that MY opinion is wrong, although you've done nothing to dissuade me from that opinion nor invalidate them at all. Way to go, and kudos on your excellent strategy.

    Pro-Tip: If something is tingling in the back of your head, that's not your Spider Sense, that's Common Sense. I realize that it's rare enough in your circle of friends to be a god damn super-power, but don't panic. It's just trying to get you to pull your head out of your ass, stop throwing temper tantrums and look at this logically, like I have.

  6. I feel like expanding a bit... My replies are not in quotations, but what I'm replying to is.

    "Well I am very disappointed and hurt by this blog entry. You create drama by slandering people or projects in public."

    Welcome to my brain. I hate you.

    "It really is a shame you can't see that LL never completed their software before it was open-sourced or you would know all other worlds do not have currency, teleports, search does work, the map doesn't load and many other parts are incomplete. All you have to do to verify that is travel to any other world people have released before they were fully developed."

    So you're better than some of the other unfinished SL knock-offs? Cool.

    "Besides what LL started, but never finished in open source, there are parts to SpotOn3D that are exclusive to that world and every single one of them actually works. Hotswap scenes, the Facebook portal launch coming soon, the live music industry, education, business and corporate, Cloud technology, World on a Web, PrimKids since this grid is all ages and excludes no-one, and so many other aspects."

    So you've made some changes, which do improve the client and server... Just like I said.

    "The very first indication this SpotOn3D is not the same in any way other than the viewer used, which was not created by LL, it was created by Mana under the Hippo name, is the fact that when you arrive inworld, you are not left on your own to try to figure out what to do."

    Actually, "SpotOn3D" replied and ADMITTED they were based off of Open Sim, and the client is based off a client DESIGNED FOR SECOND LIFE. Christ, you're dense.

    "They actually take you by the hand and help you to do what it is you are there to achieve. It isn't a virtual world, it is the worldwide web in 3D. The possibilities are endless and so is their friendship if you are open-minded enough to LISTEN to them. They have a great deal to teach and are most willing to if you choose to learn."

    So does Second Life if you've got the patience to dislodge your head far enough from your ass to look at the tutorial sections of Second Life, which they START you in now.

    "If you choose to challenge without listening to the responses and thinking about the replies to try to understand, it is you who loses not them. Anyone who is creative or imaginative in the slightest will love this world they created for us. If you don't feel you are creative, they will give you possibilities that will inspire you."

    On the topic of being creative, try designing a client and server not based off of anything else, then get back to me. Until then, shut up, you Second Life knock-off.

    "Tessa is a very kind hearted woman who has open not only her world to us but also her friendship and love of the web. She also has a wicked sense of humour and goes out of her way to assist and educate you even though she SHOULD leave that to the staff she pays to do exactly that. She is far too busy developing and introducing new technology that LL could never do because they have never updated their platform."

    No, she's far too busy being an opinionated twit who refuses to admit when something is being pointed out DIRECTLY TO HER.

    "LL's bandaid fixes instead of real solutions has caused that world to break down and it's become very unstable. Their regions have decreased by more than half and they have taken the rights of creators away claiming full rights to everything created in their world regardless of who creates it."

    Funny. Blizzard, who has the most popular paid subscription game IN THE HISTORY OF THE INTERNET, has to occasionally patch their client and servers too. Linden Labs isn't the only company who's had to do so.

    More coming.

  7. "his simple means that if you create something that makes money and they decided they want it, they can take it and block your account. They hold all rights so there won't be a thing you can do about it. They have also changed the TOS so that they have the ability to stop you from cashing out at any time since their currency is only tokens with no value outside of the world."

    And the terms of service are available for everyone to read at any time they can connect to Second Life. Your point?

    "Stevan Lieberman who is Tessa's business partner and co-owner of this world in SpotOn3D is a real life lawyer who specializes in copyrights and content theft. Since I work for one of the largest content creators in Second Life, I have seen the content theft at it's highest and Linden Lab's inability or unwillingness to stop or prevent it."

    Welcome to the internet. You can't even TRY to stop content theft on the internet unless you're a power name like Apple (iTunes, anyone?), Microsoft (Microsoft Office Suite 2010, anyone?) or similar.

    "There is no comparison between Second Life and SpotOn3D if you care to look. It's blatantly obvious the differences are what will set SpotOn3D well above all other open source grids and companies. You are just too blind and close minded to see it."

    Right, they have nothing in common, except being based on Open Sim, sharing a client based on Second Life's 1.23 viewer and sharing the same network protocol.

    "On a personal note Brad, it's not a secret but it is unreleased to the public until June 15th, 2011 and I resent the implication that I am doing something sneaky or underhanded. I don't work for SpotOn3D but would in a heartbeat if that were possible. For now I am most happy just to have the opportunity to live, learn, play and work in their world and I am glad you won't be there."

    So am I. I don't have to deal with pinheaded, arrogant jackasses like you telling me how much better you are than the source you came from, despite the fact that you're rapidly proving yourself to be... pinheaded, arrogant jackasses telling people how much better you are than the source you came from.

    I don't see Second Life telling us how much better they are than you... Funny, that.

  8. *ahem ... just pointing out that your ranting to your own mirror brad. No one's listening anymore. Why? Kinda boring, because you're trollish behaviors have come out. What's that?

    1.) using name calling, personal attacks and vulgar language in the place of any real argument
    2.) ignoring facts and ... well, repeat #1.
    3.) using irrational logic to hide the fact there is not sound logic to your ranting and a desparate attempt to get attention ... LOL well, hate to be as repetitive as you, but - using name calling, personal attacks and vulgar language in the place of any real argument.

    I'll not press this any further cause its really not worth the effort. But by all means, please. Continue to rant illogically. It will only draw more attention to the project and validate the obvious flaws of your position in the argument.

  9. 1) I've done nothing BUT point out that SpotOn3D is based on Open Sim, Second Life and pre-existing software.

    2) As I've said, SpotOn3D is based off Open Sim (as admitted in the very first reply), the viewer is based off of a pre-existing Viewer and the basis for SpotOn3D has existed for years. All that's been done is logical improvements. I see nothing cutting edge.

    3) Irrational logic? Read the first two replies.

    Finally, I'd love to introduce more people to SpotOn3D. I think it's got potential, but the people that I've met behind it can't handle third parties like myself pointing out that... SpotOn3D is an OpenSim/Second Life clone with some improvements... Nothing more.

    Want to do some truly ground-breaking innovative thinking? Code your own server from scratch, code your own Viewer from scratch and use your own privately created protocol for client/server/network commmunication. Until that happens, SpotOn3D will never be anything more than a Second Life knock-off...

    And just because people don't subscribe doesn't mean people aren't reading. Lern2internetpublicity.

  10. "All that's been done is logical improvements. I see nothing cutting edge."

    Show me any site that has World on a Web

    Show me any site that has Mumble Voice

    Show me any site that has Hotswap

    Show me any site that has Double Dutch Delivery

    Show me any site that has BoostCloud Technology

    Show me any site that has EzPrezTools

    Show me any site that has Universal Avatar

    Show me any site that has Universal Registration

    Show me any site that has Key Accounts for double security with 5 accounts that can be loaned out

    Show me any site that has Permission systems that protect kids throughout the entire system

    Show me any site that has Free uploads, free group creation, free classifieds, free listings, and on and on and on

    Please Brad, show me please where this technology is so I can believe there is no original content or technology in SpotOn3D.

  11. Show me any site that has World on a Web
    -- Google Spoton3d "world on a web" (with the quotation marks) and show me SpotOn3D has it.

    Show me any site that has Mumble Voice
    -- ... Any website that WANTS it can have Mumble Voice. is open source. Didn't work too well with the client I installed.

    Show me any site that has Hotswap
    -- It's a grid-based multi-scene skybox. Nothing too damn shiny.

    Show me any site that has Double Dutch Delivery
    -- No other services that claim to not be a part of Second Life would WANT Double Dutch Delivery, so why bother? Finding one would validate my point that SpotOn3D is a Second Life spin-off.

    Show me any site that has BoostCloud Technology
    -- If I knew what it was, I would.

    Show me any site that has EzPrezTools
    -- See above reply.

    Show me any site that has Universal Avatar
    -- Ditto here.

    Show me any site that has Universal Registration
    -- Uh... As in "they can register from anywhere"? Sure. and off the top of my head.

    Show me any site that has Key Accounts for double security with 5 accounts that can be loaned out

    Show me any site that has Permission systems that protect kids throughout the entire system

    Show me any site that has Free uploads, free group creation, free classifieds, free listings, and on and on and on, Google Docs, craigslist, craigslist and on and on and on. All you've done is wrap it in one shiny package that Linden Labs gave you the basis for.

    And for you people not caring, you sure as shit seem to care what I think. Obsessively narcissistic much?

  12. YOU SAID : -- Google Spoton3d "world on a web" (with the quotation marks) and show me SpotOn3D has it.
    I ASK: Do you know what “World on a Web” is? So please, define World on a web and then give an example of another opensim grid that has it.

    The essence of a real troll blogger is to use real facts to redefine another’s POV to your own- to be an irritant with brains, clever intellectual written prowess. If you can’t define what World on a Web is, then that means you’ve proven a failure at both, because its impossible to make a stand on something you can't readily define.

  13. Did I say it doesn't have it? No. I'm saying that if Google can't even readily define it, it's some made-up bullshit term for something that most likely already exists.

    And if I knew exactly what it was as far as server coding goes, I bet I could show you another grid that has it (OpenSim or otherwise).

    But all you're doing is validating my point - you're an OpenSim/Second Life knockoff. You've got some advantages, but from the looks of it... People like you are the disadvantages. All you're doing is trolling a blog to try to show your superiority. If my opinion doesn't matter, why on earth do you keep coming back to debate my opinion?

    Demonstrate what it is, I'll more than likely, almost certainly, be able to show you that it exists elsewhere, and all you've done is steal the ideas of pre-existing technology and shoved it into OpenSim. Way to break the mold.

  14. You still haven't define what World on a Web is, now have you? :P Why not?

    Surely you can recognize the flaw in claiming to have an opinion on a topic you can't even define? There is no shame in not knowing. Just admit ... say 'I don't know', and apologize for trying to claim an opinion on something you knowledge on and we can move on. I won't dig into ya for being honest. No one can know everything after all - even Google! *smirks*

    Why do I keep coming back? Simple... Exposes you as a failure in the art of debating and helps get the word out more about SpotON3D and their products & services.

    So if you are legit, take up the challenge and go back to the source and find out what a World on a Web is. Then you'll have a right to comment on it and give me a hard time. Until them you're just going on about vapored thoughts that have no foundation in fact and I'll move on to my next point.

  15. 1) I've admitted what I do and don't know. Learn to read, then re-read my post. I've clearly stated several things you brag about, I have no clue about.

    2) I do know you're a Second Life knock-off, and whatever improvements you've made to the Second Life viewer, the OpenSim server and your webserver are exactly that - improvements. You're a rip-off and all you've done is polish a turd. That doesn't mean you're not a turd - just means it's a shinier turd.

    3) I don't know why you think debating with me is a good thing, because all it's doing it making you look like an arrogant cunt who doesn't know when to give up.

    4) Do I absolutely have to take you head-on? No. Will I? Sure. All I'm doing is pointing out the obvious, and all you're doing is looking redundantly stupid. Great publicity.

  16. Joanne, Tessa and the other SpotOn3tards... You want to post something CONSTRUCTIVE, feel free. Two comments, so far, have not made it through because of personal shots.

    "Gloves off. Expect me. My silence is not an indication of weakness, as your mouth is an indication of yours."
