Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why I Quit DJing For A Station, And Why I Hate You.

So, lemme tell the world why I may have had the shortest stint in the history of one of the radio stations I formerly DJ'd for.

There's a guy... We'll call him "W". I've changed the names because I'm being discreet, despite the fact the people I'm "protecting" don't much deserve it.

And god help me, I'm probably going to catch a shitstorm for this apparent diatribe, but I could give a shit because if nobody else is going to say something, I will.

W, in the two weeks I have known the man existed, has told no less than three women he's romantically interested in them. One of those women was smart enough to tell W that he's doing nothing but being a drama-whore. I'm glad, too, 'cause I know her and actually like her.

W's current love interest seems to be the forgiving kind, if only because she's got enough of a self-esteem void that she has to validate her self worth by being in a relationship, despite the fact that W has proven he's as emotionally-stable as a house of cards, and has the emotional depth of a small wading pool specifically designed for idiots who may accidentally drown in the kitchen sink.

I'm not sure of the name of the third woman W is currently trying to snowball. I can only hope she's not as dense as the lead lining W's head.

That all being said, you're only as good as the company you keep, and having proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's as fickle as a candle in the wind, I'm not going to subject myself to the bizarre love affairs of one man who, frankly, isn't all that and a bag of chips. He's not even some of that and the crumbs in the bottom.

I feel sorry for his current love interest for putting herself through his petty bullshit high school drama, and I hope she eventually understands that she can do better, and could do so with an battery-operated boyfriend, an iPod and an mp3 from some erotic audio website.

The worst part of this is, it's all being done, either intentionally or due to simple stupidity, in public. It's hard to be a player when the game you're running, you're sharing the playbook of. More importantly, showing what kind of LACK of dedication you have to personal relationships only reveals what kind of "true friend" you would turn out to be.

In the end, you're only as good as the company you keep, and I'd rather not associate with somebody who cannot remain loyal to somebody for more than a few days... With friends like that, who needs enemies?

A major part of the reason why I quit is because it's obvious that it's not about the music. When you run an internet radio station, the focus should be on the music - not the popularity, not the guests you can get to record drops, not the friends you're making and not the website or Dropbox or anything else. W lost sight of that, and it became a popularity contest (in addition to his primary goal of using it to score with the babes).

I could truly give a shit what you, or anybody else, thinks of me, to that end. If you don't like what I play, don't listen. If you don't like how I format my shows, don't listen. I'm not doing it for any one individual, I'm doing it for a collective that enjoys my shows, and isn't afraid to tell a "friend" that what the are doing is wrong. An internet radio show swamped with drama obviously isn't about the music.

If you can't get on board with that, do the world a favor and swallow a bottle of pills, wash it down with a bottle of Everclear, suck a bag of dicks, choke on the biggest one and die.

EDIT: I also want to give a big shout-out in the form of "FUCK YOU" to Tay for shoving your nose where it doesn't belong, and for defending somebody who's betraying the trust of at LEAST two people you know. Great reason to stay loyal, jackass.

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