Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why I'm A Horrible Roommate (or "YOU LAZY UNPRODUCTIVE ASS!")

I currently live with three other people - two of them follow me on Facebook. That means the odds of them reading this are possible.

Ask me if I give a shit.

I just got done having a house meeting with two of the three roommates. Apparently, they are "concerned" about me. By concerned, they think I'm not eating well enough, and that I don't get out and socialize enough, and that I'm going to wither away and die in my room as an unproductive member of society. Oh, and that I'm eating food that one of my roommates bought with the money that I gave him, after he intentionally told me it was there, I assume to let me know it was safe to eat. Nothing else, unless I actually ask for it, but it's still more food than I should be eating.

... Right. Let's get on to my rebuttal.

Lemme tell you motherfuckers something. Just because somebody doesn't like to come out and socialize (which I do, mind you, with my roommates, and quite often at that) doesn't mean I'm not being social. In fact, I talk to a LOT of people DAILY. Why don't I go outside and meet people? Because I don't want to. Simple as that.

And part of their concern was that I don't have a job that requires me to leave the house. I stay in my room, or at least in the house, don't go out and work a regular job during the day. Why would I want to do that if I don't HAVE to? I don't HAVE to smash by balls with a tack hammer, so why would I, regardless of the amount of money someone would pay to see me do it? You don't see me diving into a bonfire for fun and profit, right? No. If I don't need to, I'm not going to. If I'm making enough money to pay my rent, I shouldn't have, and I won't.

Now, I don't do anything around the house? That, I'll agree with. I don't load the dishwasher. It's not that I don't like loading the dishwasher, it's that I'M NOT FUCKING EATING. You motherfuckers ordered pizza last night, not to mention two of you work at a place where you bring food home all the time, and everyone BUT me seems to LOVE using dishes. Different dishes. All the time!

If I eat ramen or something, I use a pot, a bowl and a fork. If I eat more ramen later that day, I use the same pot, the same bowl and the same fork. I take it out of my room and put it in the sink when I'm done with it. If the dishwasher's empty, I'll put it in the dishwasher. If I microwave a pizza, I'll use *one* plate. Add to that the glass that I'm currently using.

Six dishes.


That's less than a full load of dishes, and since nobody's cooking anything for me, or sharing the shit they're eating with me, I'm not really using more than those six dishes... but holy fucking SHIT, Brad better do some god damn dishes! He never does anything!

Drag a vacuum out, I'll use it. I don't mind vacuuming. Want me to sweep and mop? Sure. Hose off the back patio? Sure, I hang out there.

However, don't ask me to clean shit I'm not making dirty, unless you want me to start using bowls to wipe my fucking ass with.

And yeah, I know, living off of ramen and juice isn't the healthiest thing in the world. Why would I subject myself to that? Because I don't feel I contribute as it is, because I don't have a lot of money. I'm actively trying not to eat the food everyone else brings in. That being said, don't tell me you're worried about me withering away in my room, then tell me I'm eating too much of YOUR food, hypocrites. You're certainly not allowed to tell me you're worried about my health when you order a pizza and forget I exist once it arrives, leaving me to eat ramen for dinner.

Don't get me wrong - I don't mind eating ramen for dinner. I love ramen. What I mind is that hypocritical shit you're spouting. I'm not eating right and I don't get out and you're worried, but not when you order a pizza.

Among the other "concerns" they had were the fact I drank "all" the beer. Actually, the 18-pack that's in there was bought by a friend of mine after I fixed his computer. The beer that was in there before, I barely touched. The beer that was in there before THAT, I bought, and despite the fact there was only 18 bottles, I only drank about four. The friends that I bought over that drank some of it? They only drank two each... Both of them. That's eight. Does anyone else need a god damn calculator?

I'm fairly sure they'd bitch about my lack of hygiene too, except for the fact that I paid one of my roommates back when he bought the shampoo and conditioner I'm using, and I brought my own body-wash with me. That's lasted almost two months, by the way. Not bad since I shower daily.

I know one of my roommates doesn't. I know that for a god damn fact.

Moving on...

I absolutely love the fact I'm not productive. I've never accomplished anything. I never do anything. I sleep all day. I stay up all night playing video games. I never write any emails. I never help anyone with their computer problems. I never talk to anybody. I never do a god damn thing. I never write a story, I never try to come up with original ideas and I never let anybody see what creative things I do. I don't do anything. The people I know don't do anything. The groups I talk to and work with don't do anything. Nobody does anything.

This pissed me off more than anything. None of the people I live with bother to ask me what I'm doing, or what I've done, or wanted to read what I've written, or wanted to look at what I've done, or to talk to the people I've helped, or listen to the music I've played, or anything along those lines. All they see is me sitting at a computer in my room.

THAT makes me want to tell every single fucking one of them to fuck off and die in a god damned fire TWICE. I can't even BEGIN to explain how furious I am about that. How DARE somebody say I'm not functional if they can't be bothered to look at what I'm doing? Are they psychic? Do they read my mind and see that, even in my own mind, I'm not doing anything?

No. They're being condescending and arrogant based on their own perceptions.

I'm fairly sure every writer and author in the world who does so professionally agrees with me when I say, "Get your head out of the clouds, get off your high horse and LOOK at what I do before you judge me based on what you THINK you see, because you're not looking with open eyes."

P.S. Mind your own god damn business. It's my life. If I need help, I'll ask for it.

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