Friday, March 4, 2011

Current Life Status

Okay, so... Melanie went back to Germany for her Internship on the 17th of January. I went back to Phoenix and was going to pay my mom $300 a month rent until I could get a passport and visa and go to Germany.

Mom and I thought this was a great plan. So did "Dad" (who's actually a 70-something year old guy that everybody calls "dad" and is not, in fact, my biological father).

Well, unfortunately, dad's a jackass. For the Super Bowl, dad opened a Super Bowl pool for something like $700 total dollars. As he was collecting the money for it, he was spending it at the same bar he was running the pool for. Then it came time to pay out, so he wrote a $700 check made out to our good friend, Cash...

Well, he must have forgotten that landlords like collecting rent... despite the fact that ours isn't using our rent to pay the mortgage, but that's besides the point... Dad's splitting. He's taking a ton of furniture with him and, oh, not paying the cable, electric, water or internet bills he owes for last month. Did I mention he drank the rent check away? Did I mention he's even taking the couch I'm sleeping on? Did I mention I paid rent last month and this month, and because he can't fucking count, I had to find somewhere else to live?

On top of it, Katie (half-sister) came out to Phoenix because her biological father (my former stepfather) is beyond stupid and doesn't know how to raise a daughter. She's been here for a couple of weeks, and now Dad seems to think SHE has to help (whether or not she wants to... which she doesn't), despite the fact it's Dad's fault we all get to leave.

Now, I don't know if he woke up every day for the last few weeks and ate a big ol' bowl of STUPID before he showered in the magical water of HURR DURR, but if I fucked up enough to make THREE people lose their place to live, I probably wouldn't expect the people who are losing their place to help me move my shit... some of which THEY'RE STILL USING.



Luckily, I've got a room for $300 plus food (thanks, Andy!) nearby, and I'm probably going there tonight before I nut up and beat dad about the face and torso with whatever potentially lethal objects happen to be nearby (which may or may not include his retarded fucking chihuahua, Taco, who can't stop shitting and pissing all over the house... Let's ignore the fact that, since boards that stand about a foot tall have been put in front of the doorways, there mysteriously hasn't been any piss or shit on the other side of those boards)...

But not before I tell him exactly how retardedly stupid he is.

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