Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stupidity and the Masses

There's a reason I linked this post to Facebook.

It's been recently (re)discovered that there are people that may have a high IQ that, somehow, have the common sense, logic and brain capacity of a salted garden slug. Over the last few days, I've had it out with a woman (we'll call her Sharon, because I don't feel like changing the names of the innocent to protect their stupidity) that has decided it's in her best interests to call me out on hypocrisy, thoughtlessness and all sorts of things.

Why was this done? Because I reposted a status message about the government assisting other countries instead of putting the money towards needs at home, mostly to correct the spelling and grammar (which was horrible) but also to add a small note at the bottom.
Also, lol, egypt
I got, in reply, two posts, back to back. Apparently, Sharon was too stupid to delete one post and make a new one with the content of her old post, plus her new addition(s).
feed them jesus (and) you are killing me
I replied, half in jest and half with complete seriousness. 
‎... I can't feed ALL of 'em. My god, I'd never get any sleep. :D
 That's when things got out of hand. Sharon decided to start getting snarky and stupid.
I would love to do something, but there this is again, what are you doing as well? If I had the money I would, and also I would travel, I have a camera and I can write. I just wonder why you just sit and stow about things, then there is everone that is nieve...looking at you?
 What was I doing? Spreading the word. I don't have a camera, but I can write. What did I write? That took me to another post.
Spreading the word, even if it's in sarcasm. Also, read the reply to this...
See, somebody had posted a question on my wall, which friends are known to do - he wanted to know if I'd talked to another friend of ours. Out of absolutely nowhere (since this was a completely unrelated post that had nothing to do with the post that Sharon was getting involved in), I get this from (surprise!) Sharon.
what should i do? i have no money, and that;s where your not intrested....I can barly feed my dogs, I hate that you are doing what you are dong.///I bet you have a messy bedroom....I don't.
 ... What the hell does the condition of my bedroom have to do with my Facebook page? In any case, I'd had enough. See, Sharon often did nothing but berate me (similar to above) because of my posts without reading the large majority of what I had written in other posts. I blog, I write, I tweet... I maintain healthy relationships with people all over the country (and the world, if I have to go that far). I do quite a bit online aside from (sarcastically) spreading around reposted status updates from Facebook. Whatever I'd been up to, she had very little concern about, or I'd have heard from her aside from the snarky bullshit comments I'd heard up until that point. So, I replied.
Sharon, before I remove you, let me tell you...

Shut up.

If you had an IQ that wasn't floating somewhere in the gutter, giving you the impression of being slightly more intelligent than POND SCUM, I'd be a bit more polite, but you seem to be an idiot. I mean, your reply isn't relevant to this post AT ALL, not to mention NOT EVEN DIRECTED AT YOU.

In the thread it WAS supposed to be in, you accused me of not doing anything, when in fact, by merely spreading the word (even in jest) to people who MIGHT be able to do more than me, I'm at least TRYING to help. So far, all I've seen you do is sit on your retarded ass (and I'm pretty sure your ass is retarded because your brain certainly is, and I mean no disrespect to those who are actually mentally handicapped by comparing this IDIOT to the truly handicapped) and fill your Facebook page with videos from RealPlayer.

Do us all a favor. Stop sniffing glue, get up off your ass, sob a river out of your house, swim down to the gutter, cry a path to the library and sail on over to pick up a god damn book on social niceties.

If they have one, find one on sarcasm. Not familiar with it? Don't worry, it's new.
 That opened the god damn floodgates. It had to have been the most hilarious thing I've ever been involved in as far as Facebook is concerned in the history of my time on Facebook. I fed the troll, she took the bait and decided to come back for more.

And my god, was there more.
Sharon: my iq is 138 i was invited into mensaBrad: Was that before or after the lobotomy? Get the hell off my Facebook page.
 After telling me to ask my mother or aunt who she was and how smart she was
Sharon: dont you live in phoenix??? in the dessertBrad: I live in a desert, not a dessert - living in some chocolate cake would get sticky.
 After telling her a few times to go away and NOT post on my Facebook page anymore...
Sharon: sorry to insult you, i won't speak to you ahain please tell Bee and Amanda, that i love an miss them. ...and you my friend are meanBrad: What the hell did I just ask you to NOT do? For an IQ of 138, LERN 2 FUKKEN REED, WUMAN.
On the completely wrong thread her glue-addled brain mistook for the page she was supposed to reply to...
Sharon: i dont like youStewieh: (In the thread he made asking me about another friend of ours, long after Sharon started ranting) Sharon fuck off plz
Now, AFTER I had removed her from my friend list, I made a status update to those involved... I said whoever suggested her as a friend to me, I owe a beating.

The 4th reply was Sharon. She didn't even SEE the status update on my page - I'd removed her from my friends (and taken a few other steps, stopping just shy of blocking her entirely, and that's only to keep the posts around for the sake of humor).
I will say this, I have taken my camera out out on the streets, I have stood on the streets with the homeless, and handed out there food, I have taken my camera...Nikon.and handed them money, just to tell,me how it is on the streets.....I will do what I can. and please...don't you ever call me a lazy b,sitting on here ass....because if you do, we will have to invite you up float the MULBERRY.....
 ... Obviously, she's talked to my mother and aunt enough to know that we have never gone Salt River Tubing... ever.

... Idiot...

Since this was a thread that I'd created after she'd been removed from my friend list, it became obvious that she was posting on a thread she had to go to my page to even FIND, since she wasn't receiving updates on her page (I made sure of it in about eight "Settings" pages). I'd even announced that I had already removed her from my friend list. That's when my friends let her have it... in force, in the face with both barrels on a silver platter.
Sharon: im goimg to music
Devon: hImynameizSHARON andi can speek engrish i lurned frum BAGURS yes they are SMART. i goimg to scool but i was kiked out those DUMASSES ha i show them they have know idea HA k i am goimg to music bie.Stewieh: hai der Sharon can we haz dem cheezeburgerz?
Then the best insult I have ever heard in the history of insults...
Sharon: you people don't have any teeth
... Oh... my... god.

The only way she could have made herself sound like a bigger hick redneck was by saying "y'all ain't got no teeth" or something.

More insults directed at Sharon? Sure! This is in the third thread (after I'd removed her).
Stephanie: I probly shouldnt throw myself into this but... Really... I dont care if you went out on the streets and handed someone the keys to a new bmw... Or if you went out to hand out money or food... I do this as much as i can but ya know what the difference is? I dont glote about it.. I dont say it over and over trying to make myself look good. So why keep on? Brad removed you did he not? He doesnt want you messing up his page with your inablity to produce comments that might make sense. This says something about you because even im welcomed on brads page and im a fat chick, i cant spell, and most the time make a fool of myself.
Stephanie got some props for that.
Sara: Ohh Brad, you have your very own stalker!! So is the rough life of famous authors. You better get used to it.
Both Sara (above) and Katie (below), I rarely get a chance to talk to, and even they had to chime in.
Katie: you know what sharon i am a good friend of brad's if you dont like what he says or puts on his page stay the hell off cause you really dont know him and who gives a fuck what you have supposeably done so go fuck off and leave him alone
Melanie came in late to the game.
Melanie: *reads up on everything again* Isn't it simply amazing how you can say something over and over again, and some people still don't get it, even if you rub their noses in it!?
And it kept going a while longer.

Now, I shared this because I know I'm not the only one who's had to deal with somebody that stupid online, but it's always fun to hear stories like that from people.

I have learned a few things from this experience, though.

1) If she can get into Menza, it must have lost the glitz and glamor it once had as a very elite group of scholars.

2) Someone with an IQ of 138 can still be a retard without being mentally handicapped (having an IQ below 80).

3) If you feed them, trolls will come.

4) The internet will never fail to amuse me.

Meanwhile, my brain's getting into the swing of things for Unda Vosari, but I'm eager to start a trip abroad...

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