Friday, February 4, 2011

Two groups of people...

This is an expansion of a Facebook post I put up a few days ago...

Okay, this may seem like I'm singling out women here, which is fine, because I am. I'm allowed to do this because, by and large, most men are either:

1) Idiots who shouldn't be allowed to breathe my air.
2) Pigs who think anything they can fit their dick in, they should.
3) Jerks who think they have to prove they're better than everyone else at whatever useless skill they have.

Because I've admitted I think most men on the planet need to be euthanized, I'm allowed to go after the other main gender (the eunuchs and castrates are safe for now).

First group! Do NOT tell me how much your love life sucks anymore. If you're single, maybe you're being too selective, maybe you shouldn't settle for every guy that comes along, or maybe you're just a bitch. I can name a half-dozen women right now who I have asked out that's said no (some of whom continue to flirt shamelessly with me) that will turn around and complain to me about how much their love life sucks. Instead, you opted to settle for someone who's probably going to (or already has) cheated on you, treat you like shit, or use you (usually for sex, a car or money) without actually trying to make you feel like a human being, let alone like you matter, and will leave you when you're no longer useful to him.

Second group! You're not single, but you're unhappy... For the love of god, go buy a few bottles of over-the-counter painkillers and start eating those fuckers like Pez, making sure to wash them down with a few bottles of grain alcohol. You're the worst kind of idiot, because you've always got an excuse to stay with somebody, despite the fact you're miserable, they're making you miserable and you'll stick around and defend them.

I've seen all sorts of excuses for this bullshit, but the biggest one is some lame-ass excuse about either loving him (despite the fact he's cheated on you, hit you or done something else inexcusably stupid) or having no way to leave (which is the most narrow-minded and retarded thought process on the planet).

There are always ways out. Psychologists, if you need them and can't afford them, will be paid by the state to help you. They'll help your family. They'll help anyone who needs it, if they truly need it. There are low-income assistance programs for families, and god help me, there's even shelters that, if they can't take you in, will help you with whatever bills you have as long as you're stuck in and want out of a bad situation.

Some people will say "Just because I'm still with him, through all the shit he's put me through, doesn't mean I don't see it - it means I still love him." Yeah, some people love pit-bulls until they get bit - then the dog gets put down. For every instance you let him get away with something, you're reaffirming the notion it's okay to do whatever stupid shit he's done in the first place, and for every guy that does that stupid shit, there's another dozen who won't.

"But I can't find better!" No, dumbshit, you're just too afraid of being alone.

The fairy-tale dream of a wife and two kids and the white picket fence is gone - now, it's a loft in SoHo or an apartment close to work to save on gas and maybe a kid or two, if there's time between work and school (because everyone's trying to get back into school, despite the fact that an associate's degree supposedly only nets you an extra million dollars over the course of your lifetime - can someone give me a number on this one?). Can't forget trying to have a social life, despite the fact most of the guys you're with don't want to go out with -you- because they can go out drinking with the guys (replace drinking with whatever vice they've got, where applicable).

Some of you may disagree with this and be able to prove me wrong. Some of you may outright deny it's true with no proof at all. Some of you may think this is just the way it is.

Some of you are just idiots who want to disagree because you're deluding yourself.

Knock it the fuck off.
Shut the hell up.
Go away.

If you WANT out of a bad situation, and are willing to admit it is a BAD situation, come talk to me. I will do what I can to help you get out of that situation and get you someplace nearby that you can be safe and happy. You've just got to be willing to work with me.

Also, guys, if you're in a similar situation, welcome to the world of dating. They won't knock that shit off until you're on your knees. =)

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